Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, let all parents know that the first thing a child learns at the beginning of his or her educational and formative life are shapes and colors. Geometric shapes help build memory and cognitive skills for children when they begin to associate the shapes of the surrounding world with them.

The importance of teaching children geometric shapes:
When we give shapes to a child, we start with just one shape, for example a circle, and connect it to the surrounding world (cake - sun disk). We must not confuse him with shapes so as not to distract him and ensure his concentration, and so on. When we are sure that he has memorized it and after he has mastered the first shape, we take the next shape.
The effect of colors on the child’s psyche:
It has been shown that it has an effect on adults and children alike, and perhaps its effect on children in education is clear. Colors also have a magical effect on the child’s psyche, and these colors can be used to calm the child, motivate him to study, stimulate his appetite for food, modify his behavior, raise him, or train him. On a specific matter or drawing his attention to a specific matter, and the benefits are long.
were many classifications that explain the psychological dimension of
some colors. There are those that divide colors in general into four
main colors: (red, blue, green, and yellow).
The color blue represents reason, reason, intelligence, and wisdom.
The yellow color also expresses emotions, feelings, creativity, confidence, and self-esteem, while the red color expresses physical dimensions, strength, courage, and boldness, while the green color expresses the interaction and balance between all previous colors, comfort, and renewal.
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